Support Midwifery
Manitoba needs more midwives.
- Join our mailing list.
- Send letters to the government and to your MLA. Fill out this letter.
- Come to a rally! Our next rally is May 5th, 12:00pm at the Manitoba Legislature front steps.
- Post on social media supporting midwifery #yesMAM or #midwivesofmanitoba .

Thanks for supporting Manitoba Midwifery!!
By subscribing to #yesMAM you will receive a newsletter which includes updates on Midwifery in Manitoba and ways you can support the Midwives Association of Manitoba.

In Manitoba, we don’t have enough midwives.
- Not everyone who wants a midwife can get one.
- There are no midwives in many communities.
- Midwifery students want to work in Manitoba but there are limited opportunities.
- Manitoba needs to create jobs for midwives and expand midwifery services.